Our focus at Nisa Expo...
At Nestlé we cover a lot of different categories so we’re looking forward to showcasing some of our products with Nisa partners, talking about core range as well as some exciting NPD.
You’ll be able to find us at stand 57.
Come and chat to us about...
It’s always great to hear feedback first-hand from retailers and understand their businesses better but also identify opportunities to work closer and grow both our businesses.
Exclusive deals on the day...
Buy any 4 cases (12 x 330ml) of San Pellegrino Tastefully Light cans and get 1 case of S. Pellegrino Sparkling water (12 x 500ml) FREE
Buy 2 cases Nescafé Dolce Gusto 12 pack £3.99 PMP and get 1 case free

Don't miss out on...
It will be a great opportunity for retailers to try some of our products as well as find out a bit more about the categories we operate in.
We will also be presenting on the Main stage Tuesday 17 October at 2pm.